Friday, March 5, 2010

Earning ... My way

I'm going to tell you a story!

It's not going to cost you any money.  I hope that it will give you some ideas on how you can acheive your goals.  This story is about how I earn a living online.  I could put this into book form and seel it as a lot of others have done before me but that is not my way.  In the bible it says to cast your lot and it shall be returned to you ten times over.  so I am going to tell you my story and I will be rewarded in the fact that I was able to help you improve your lot.

I cannot remember the dates so you will get a timeline instead.  My online advantures started sometime in the late 80's when I got my first computer, an IBM double floppy disk drive unit.  The local high school Vo Ag teacher was also the Radio Shack owner and he set up a Community Bullentin Board, I got on board.  The dial up was slow and when the first phone bill came in I dropped out of the BB.

A couple of years later I got a dial-up service that gave me a free line, from where I was all calls were long distance, so I was back online again.  I ran across a program called Cookee Cutter, I joined, I think it cost me twenty bucks.  They promised a lot but delivered nothing to me.  I tried every thing they suggested and bought the things and lists they sold.  I everyone else did too cause everyone I spoke with had already been approached by someone else about joining, some several times.  I guess that was my first experience at being scammed.

My next adventure into the online earning arena was with SFI, I think it is still around today I think it is owned by Carson enterprises.  anyway it sounde like it would be easy to get a big downline there so I went to work and told all the people that I knew about it and some of them even joined.  I have still to get any money from them.

This kinda repeted itself for the next few years I kept trying to find the right program to make me rich.  I found the Paid to read industry and joine several programs and started reading emails and making a penny here and a penny there.  I still was not making a six figure income but I was getting a deposit to my PayPal account from time to time.  So I kept joining and referring and my income kept growing.  I even purchased a few downlines and discovered that I was doing good. then the Owners got to disappearing and I couldn't get paid.  Some were good and are still online today, more on that later.

I finally came to the conclusion that I would never get rich or even make a good amount of money until I started my own online business and got people to join. So I bought a Cash Crusader script and set up my own site, Income from the Ozarks. I pardnered with a lady I had met online and she helped me to get the site up and running, she said she would handle the advertising as she had been doing it for several other sites, so I went along with it.  Things were going good and she said we were making money from the ads she was selling, I was happy.  Then I received an e-mail asking why an ad had not been put up yet and when I tried to contact my pardner she was not around.  I offered to refund the money this advertiser had paid and when I tried to get into our PayPal account it was blocked.  I got on the phone and tried to contact my Pardner and she would not answer the phone or any e-mails I sent.  I tried to access the admin are of the site, it was blocked, I tried to contact the host and found it had been changed.  I started to get emails wanting their pay, I didn't know what to do so when someone wrote and aske d for pay I sent it from my personal PP account.

Well I have lost again but things had to get better, how much lower could it go, wrong I lost my computer to a fire at home.  I was ready to give up and did for a few years.  Now tune in later this week or next and find out how I turned things around for me.